Visualisation du fichier CSV pour l'export des fiches de type : Evénements - Total des fiches : 6
"datetime_create","datetime_latest","Nom de l'événement'","Commune *","Image de présentation (facultatif)","Description","bf_latitude *","bf_longitude *","Début de l'événement","Fin de l'événement","Site Internet","Email de l'organisateur *"
21/06/2021 21:15:18,21/06/2021 21:15:18,"La Nuit et Belle !","Delle","LaNuitEtBelle_la-nuit-est-belle.jpg","=====**Ce vendredi 21 mai, répondant à l’appel du Grand Genève, les communes de Delle et de Boncourt participeront à l’édition 2021 de « La nuit est belle ! » en éteignant leur éclairage public pour la nuit**=====.

Cette année, les organisateurs de l’événement ont choisi de mettre en avant la biodiversité nocturne. La date n’a d’ailleurs pas été choisie par hasard : une lune aux 3/4 pleine, au cœur du printemps, autant de conditions favorables à l’observation et à l’écoute de la faune crépusculaire.

Ce sera donc un moment idéal pour :
**Voir :**
Par la fenêtre ou dans votre jardin, vous pourrez observer les étoiles dans le drapé naturel de la voûte céleste et redécouvrir le monde mystérieux et fascinant de la nuit.

**Écouter :**
Pendant que certains s'endorment, d'autres s'éveillent… Tranquillement installé sur un transat ou un plaid, avec un doudou ou un oreiller, laissez vous bercer par l’expérience sonore des bruits familiers ou inattendus qui nous entourent.

**Jouer :**
Enregistrez les bruits de la nuit sur votre portable et profitez de l’occasion pour  photographier la vie nocturne dans le cadre du concours « Mille et un regards sur Delle » que la commune lance sur la biodiversité de son territoire communal !

Et pour une complète réussite de cette action symbolique, 

Rejoignez le mouvement !

Éteignez vous aussi vos lumières pour renouer avec la douceur d’une soirée de printemps et dites-vous que décidément, la nuit est belle de part et d’autre de la frontière !","","","2021-05-21T21:00:00+02:00","2021-05-22T08:00:00+02:00","",""
21/06/2021 21:15:55,21/06/2021 21:15:55,"La Nuit et Belle ! Eteint la lumière !","Boncourt","LaNuitEtBelleEteintLaLumiere_peinture-de-vincent-van-gogh-la-nuit-etoilee-1889.jpg","Le 21 mai dans notre commune éteint son éclairage pour (re)découvrir la nuit. Savons-nous encore ce qu’est une nuit totale ? Que se passe-t-il lorsque les lumières sont éteintes ? Quels animaux apparaissent ? Nous vous invitons à profiter de cet intermède nocturne pour aller regarder la nuit avec vos yeux, mais aussi vos oreilles et vos émotions. 

Bonne promenade !","","","2021-05-21T21:00:00+02:00","2021-05-22T08:00:00+02:00","",""
21/06/2021 21:12:58,21/06/2021 21:12:58,"MARCHE DES SAVEURS ET FETE DE LA MUSIQUE","Delle","MarcheDesSaveursEtFeteDeLaMusique_saveur_musique_delle.jpeg","A partir de 17h00 au centre ville de Delle.","47.50746127551009","6.99090117057867","2021-06-21T17:00:00+02:00","2021-06-21T23:00:00+02:00","",""
21/06/2021 21:14:15,21/06/2021 21:14:15,"Guggen Prose (Théâtre du Jura)","Boncourt",,"**Laurence Maître et Félicien Donzé «Lia»
Théâtre-terroir de plein air**

Le théâtre s’invite chez vous, dans votre ville ou village, grâce au duo jurassien composé de la comédienne Laurence Maître et du musicien Félicien « Lia » Donzé. Il sort le public des salles de spectacle et l’emmène en plein air pour aborder la question de ce qui lie à un territoire et de l’appartenance d’une personne à sa région natale. Comment décrire ce sentiment qui nous rattache si fort à un coin de terre ?

Lieu : Jardin de la maison de commune de Boncourt, route de France 15","47.49885081684382","7.015671021115467","2021-06-29T19:00:00+02:00","2021-06-21T23:55:00+02:00","",""
05/08/2023 00:00:28,05/08/2023 00:00:28,"Das ist die Aufstellung von Manchester City ","Boncourt","DasIstDieAufstellungVonManchesterCity_llllllllllllllllllll.png","Fußball-Fans aufgepasst - das CL-Halbfinale am Mittwoch gehört zu den Spielen des Jahres, die global wohl am meisten Menschen sehen wollen: Manchester City empfängt Real Madrid, Anpfiff im Etihad Stadium ist um 21.00 Uhr. Dabei wird das Halbfinal-Rückspiel in der Champions League in Deutschland exklusiv durch DAZN ausgestrahlt!

1:1 war das Endergebnis des Hinspiels zwischen Real Madrid und Manchester City - wobei beide Tore wirklich sehenswert waren. Damit reihte sich das Hinspiel in eine Reihe von spektakulären Spielen zwischen diesen beiden Teams in der jüngeren Vergangenheit ein! details : [[ details]]

Unvergessen bleibt das Halbfinale der Saison 2021/2022, als diese beiden Teams ebenfalls aufeinandertrafen und alle Anhänger:innen mit einem regelrechten Fußballfest bespaßten! Das Hinspiel hatte schon eine Menge zu bieten - 4:3 stand es nach 90 Minuten für Manchester City.

Das Hinspiel war schon gute Werbung für den Fußballsport? Stimmt - und doch wurde das Ganze im Rückspiel noch getoppt, als [[ Real Madrid]] in der 89. Minute noch drei Tore vom Finaleinzug und zwei Tore von der Verlängerung entfernt war. Die Königlichen durften aber dank Rodrygo (90. Minute und 90.+1) und Benzema (95. Minute) doch noch in das Endspiel einziehen und später den Titel gewinnen.

Wenn es am Mittwoch auch nur ansatzweise so spannend wird, wie es das Halbfinal-Rückspiel zwischen Real und City im vergangenen Jahr war, dann lohnt es sich bereits, heute einzuschalten. Aber wie wird City gegen Real am Mittwoch übertragen? Wir schauen uns die Details rund um den LIVE-STREAM an.

Das ist die Aufstellung von Manchester City 
Ederson - Walker, Stones, Dias, Akanji - Rodri - Gündogan, de Bruyne - Silva, Haaland, Grealish. Source : [[ ]]

06/08/2023 21:28:12,06/08/2023 21:28:12,"Soccer could be the striking video game","Boncourt","SoccerCouldBeTheStrikingVideoGame_llllllllllllllllllll.png","Soccer could be the striking video game, played through an incredible number of girls additionally men aged 6 to 1 around countless continents whether it's in the beaches to Rio, the trunk alleys out of an important town or the surrounding park you will find a person throwing the best football around.
Despite being each oldest club in Mexican soccer background, to be established at 1901, Pachuca has sole come to be certainly competitive in the past some decades. Successful each Primera Division 5 times in the last 8 years plus the CONCACAF Champions glass twice, in 2002 and/or 2007, Pachuca flower towards be the force amongst the soccer teams in Mexico.
ntinue in order to alert united states for the well being occasion bomb prepared in order to go off like more and more young ones turn far from activities towards ones computer and/or consoles. Using soccer produces not merely distinguished healthy benefits however provides young ones the skills plus attitudes needed to succeed in subsequent life.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                In the present news our company is continually to be reminded concerning a health occasion bomb which about to explode just as children nowadays are not active sufficient.
Some playersmay perform fine than many other soccer liveplayers. As an example, they could deal with ball as part of an easy method than others additionally soon. Clearly, they perform a very important role in video game, while others may notget equal possibilities to discover furthermore improve their attributes regarding soccer industry. Thiscreates an improvement in standing. Occasionally the game seems to be depending onextra standard talented players exclusively.

Gone would be the days once soccer had been an 11 your side game for the completely younger players and offside rules and no touches associated with ball for significant durations for the video game.   Youth soccer through the age of 6 to eleven is normally more than having a great time, using tiny sided fits such as for instance four v 4 with no objective keepers, advertising plenty of touches associated with ball then player discussion on the pitch.
Getting your son or daughter inside be involved in excellent organised soccer college to club can bring great advantages to you and your son or daughter.  Soccer will help raise your kid's self-confidence that feeds his or her personal chat which finally drives their efficiency.
Here tend to be tips which will help one shield the kids after damage throughout the game to soccerSoccer is actually your physical video game that will matter players to potential injuries, a few of and this can be quite acute. Even though bodily contact around players is not a fully planned part of the video game concerning soccer, that unavoidable clashes all through per match is the maximum amount of part of the overall game because controlling that the ball.

Right Here is tips which will help we safeguard your kids after damage during the video game out of soccerSoccer try one physical video game that may subject players inside possible accidents, a number of which are often really severe. Although real contact in between players just isn't a planned the main game out of soccer, your unavoidable clashes all through one match have always been the maximum amount of an integral part of the game that controlling each ball.Showcase bright as well as exciting hues for the soccer team, they wont stay disappointed because of the new plus unique search for this ages training to tournaments. Enjoy unbeatable comfort and ease to affordable sublimated uniforms and see exactly what an improvement it will render on / off ones sphere. Both the players and/or fans alike will help you to prosper from your teams new look.
Right Here are methods which will help your protect the kids off damage through the game concerning soccerSoccer are one physical game that may matter players to prospective injuries, some of and this can be quite dedicated. Although bodily get a hold of in between players just isn't a planned an element of the game to soccer, that inescapable clashes through the match are as much part of the game just as managing ones ball.Never allow a specific work out or perhaps drill come to be boring schedule, or you chances entering the stalemate along with your soccer expertise. What you may have always been practicing, go with alternate methods. As an example, if you are exercising dribbling, don't simply concentrate on just one form of dribble, successful as it can feel. You Will Have To posses the best varied repertoire to dribbles if you want to endure ones assorted adversaries.

Too always youth soccer coaches, in their zeal to compose an absolute team, will certainly invest inadequate occasion to protective. Safe and secure perform are reinforced and pre-game additionally posting game samples of what goes on once specific actions is taken and what you can do differently to attain per safer outcome next time an identical state comes up. To youngsters should understand that risk will come from not merely their actions, nonetheless compared to one other soccer players regarding the pitch. They Should understand how to prevent the best charging opponent, even though still preserving get a grip on associated with the ball.
For fans out of each sports, his or her group need search effective on field plus stand out between the rivals. Poorly manufactured soccer or baseball uniforms own small impress using fans which is the reason why custom soccer uniforms to personalized baseball uniforms are becoming typical rather than a exception. Good-looking group uniforms lead to improve photos as well as instill all players with full confidence. Shoddy uniforms exclusively find yourself generating your teams all laughing stock of everybody else and also this will get quite demoralizing for the players. So That, regardless if that existing saying was modified entering clothing cannot maketh a guy, alluring uniforms do change lives after groups is competing with other teams as it gives consumers a aura concerning confidence and this self-belief work wonder for the team morale.

At Betfame, you will find totally free soccer methods for video games taking place all over the world. This consists of competitions that the average soccer fan may well not have even heard of. Hence no matter what rival you intend to bet upon, there are likely to be totally free soccer recommendations available at Betfame [[ yacn etv ]] .
Soccer Betting trick information is a new tool in order to overcome bookie and also bookmaker.and what on earth about any of it? analytical and fundamental information is a key or perhaps weapon might increasing will winning portion towards overcome bookie. team form, chances movement through asian handicap chances, or even 1x2 it’s likely that a couple crucial review data.

No fees mean anything won because of after the tips is actually all considered when profit. Somebody hoping in order to make a frequent living out of soccer information should attempt to choose a free location. A fee compensated to access recommendations is going to eat to the amount of money an individual makes away from guidelines.Washing uniforms approximately can easily causefading out of hues, free in suitable, dingy then graceless cloth. This produces anegative impact on that the attitude regarding the live soccer player. To avoidall may be furthermore bad impressions, you will need to learn some crucial tips and tricks ofwashing uniforms, so here you will find the strategies for washing soccer uniforms.

Shots aren't ideal now that you will find often bad shots furthermore ideal people plus you can find groups that are proficient at providing close shots and other arent your very good. Basically, comparing how many shots a group offers and those it gives can offer good stats. [[ مشاهدة مباراة الهلال اليوم]] Statistics pertaining to ball possession tend to be an excellent proof for the premise it correlation doesnt still suggest causation. Effective groups generally have greater ball control then bad people. The reason ideal teams own much healthier ball control data is because that they generally have best players and/or improve players have a tendency to keep the ball better if they receive this after which accurately go through it with other players. Ones players in which get the ball always go through this a lot more accurately to many other players, that improves possession stats. But should really be recognized your possessing that ball a lot more doesnt necessarily mean your group is a good an.

England had very first used the word soccer the video game. The first international football match that has been performed with will England national football group was towards Scotland in 1872 at Hampden Park at Glasgow and additionally they won their 1st world cup inside 196 As Part Of England all kicking ball games has been illustrated since 128 It Is Often investigated which group soccer games has recently being played in English Schools since 158 Will thrust of the video games was to coalesce English People School and also College soccer games[[ مشاهدة مباراة الزمالك اليوم]] .
People are using Exponential Investment Strategy to become the best millionaire   we do not require a big bankroll for the invest soccer as part of todays environment. You'll need 2,000 bankrolls. That Is simply the way in which it's towards an absolute betting strategy to using five out of bankroll for every bet.Even the solution to this is actually the sporting event out of football this really is due to just how our celebration positioning toward top displaying work in many different nations around the world, along with his or her suitable delivering a huge number of viewers on to your repeated variety of cases. This One definitely demonstrates that displaying party out of soccer stinks all of those other sporting occasion out of this sport.After nearly all, there is nothing stopping anyone at claiming to be one of the better soccer tipsters on the web. It is really not as though there is a particular badge to certification they are able to reach establish on their own in the market, though it could be convenient often assuming which were the actual situation !

Because often there is your open player, the group can easily transition after defending in order to assaulting. It is important that the players have the ability to flip ones activate each sides regarding the ball. Using per neutral player, change may happen quickly [[ LIVE-STREAM an]].","","","2023-08-24","2023-09-06","",""

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