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P.S Only racism will cause anyone to bring up Affirmative Action.

October 12, 2009 at 12:37 am
Andi says:
Preference does insinuate discrimination when it involes race. Discrimination takes many forms but includes exclusion and rejection.
It’s really quite simple people. I don’t have a preference. I used to prefer white men, but I was being racist. You see how I did that? You guys try now. If you can’t admit to the social conditioning to see pale skin as both literally more attractive and the status it symbolizes, you’re probably racist.

If you insist that you’re “proud to be white” you’re being racist. You’re saying you’re proud of your social status that allows you to feel superior, behave superiorly and ignore the affects it has on people of color. It also degrades both your humanity and ethnicity
People of color can be prejudiced, but not racist- we simply don’t have the power and the means do so.
Don’t start about how white people are a minority, that cannot be true seeing as how white people make up 70% of the U.S.

Notice how white people do not know how to racially categorize hispanics/latinos, notice the effort and how it’s very heavily based on how heavily your european heritage is mixed with people of color (ah, don’t you just love that term)