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October 19, 2009 at 4:32 pm
Jessie Maims says:
“- The talkbacks are ordered by some vague sorting criterion”

Ah, that. It seems like new messages appear hither and thither, in the order that they’re submitted by commenters, but not the order in which they’re approved by the mods, which makes for a lot of going back and forth to find the newest comments.

October 19, 2009 at 5:30 pm
GucciMang says:

Uhh if you have been following the conversation you’d know I would have zero problem with you saying that. The truth is, I expect most white people to feel the same way. I just want Black people to do the same FOR THEIR OWN.

And there’s nothing about my post that hurts the cause that I ride for. If anything, the people such as yourself that deny the necessity for this type of thinking do. A Black man and woman should be so engulfed in their own culture and their own love for self that white people not liking them should be inconsequential. The only time it should be any issue is when that ‘not liking’ spills over into employment, education, and other financial and social things that might interfere with their daily and future livelihood. This is pretty much the exact thing white people do and have been doing for years, but you have a problem when I say others should do the same? Point proven.